Creating or Editing Clients

Creating Clients helps to organise your contacts in a central location. It also means that when you create a proposal you can assign a Client to one.

In this article, you’ll learn how to create or edit a Client.

Things to Know

  • Clients, Templates, and Proposals are the main tools you’ll find in Proper Proposals.
  • Clients must be set-up first in order to create a Proposal. Once a Client is created you will be able to send Proposals, updates, and requests to them directly.

Create a Client

When you create a Client, you’ll be prompted to input default information for the company’s name and main contact, this includes the person’s first and last names and email address.

To create a New Client in your Proposals account, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to the Clients page to the left of your Dashboard.
  2. Click the Add New button.
    Clients Page
    If you already have a list of Clients you can click the Title of that client to Edit.
  3. On the next screen, you will be able to enter the details for a Client. Start by adding the name of a Client in the Add Title field.
  4. Enter the rest of the Clients details in the remaining fields.
  5. When you’ve finished, click Publish or Update.

After you’ve created a Client, you will be able to add them to a Proposal. Their details will be used to push updates and requests to.

Edit or Delete a Client

To edit a Client, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to the Clients page to the left of your Dashboard.
  2. If you have created Clients already you will be presented with a list of these.
  3. Hover over the title of the Client you wish to edit and you will be presented with a set of links:
    Edit Client
    a. Edit – click to edit
    b. Quick Edit – click to quickly edit the title and published status of that client
    c. Bin – click to delete

When you’ve finished editing your Client, click Update.

Next Steps

Now that you’ve created a Client it’s time to Create a Template.

Still stuck?
Talk it through with Ben


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